Bypassing ISP (Internet Sevice Provider)

Hello All, i want to bypassing my ISP for free internet access without paying some money. so, i'm using modem in my home to get internet access and posting something here on my blog each mont i must pay around $30 for internet packet with quota unlimited.

here's modem i use

now my internet package has ended. so if i pinging yahoo or goole etc it will give me ping time out. but strangely, the ping request can get the destination IP. for example i ping yahoo

see the yahoo ip

another one, if ping facebook

now lets see the route of my ping by tracerouting it.

so, in my logic we can bypassing it and go out to gain access out to internet. but i dont know how ??
lets see more with nslookup

altghough ping request time out nslookup can reach and get the dns name of the destination IP.

Now i'm prety sure we can bypassing ping time out and get access to internet. but how ?
can anyone help me ?
may be with war dialing ??

I have a tool often used by phreaker like ISPCE, Ultrasurf, tor, proxyfier can we use that ?? and how to bypassing this issue with that tools ?

please help and give me suggestion. Thanks in advace


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